Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Writer's Guide to Magazine Markets: Fiction by Karen Krieger and Helen Rosengren Freedman

Started: 5/5/06
Finished: 5/9/06
Pages: 306
Year: 1983
Genre: How-to
Grade: B+
Reason for reading: getting information on where to send my writings
Blurb (from back cover): "To have a short story published, you need more than talent. You have to make sure your work goes to a magazine that is receptive to its style and content. Now one unique, all-inclusive guide tells you:
"The names and addresses of 125 magazines that welcome fiction, ranging from mass market to specialized interest to literary.
"Individualized profiles of every magazine, including what each is looking for; what and when it pays; how responsive it is to new writers; how it reads and judges manuscripts; how fast it decides and how fully it comments.
"The best way to prepare and submit your manuscript.
"The uses of agents and how to get one.
"Fascinating interviews with editors and agents who offer invaluable inside information.
"How to negotiate financial terms and rights.
"Literary awards, grants, contests, and much more."
Opinion: As an aspiring writer, I'm always looking at which markets might be receptive to my work. I received this book through and decided to read it sooner than later. I've also read the 2006 Writer's Guide so I'll be comparing the two and start submitting my writing so I can hopefully succeed on trying to get something published.

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