Friday, August 13, 2021

Real to Reel: Truth and Trickery in Courtroom Movies by Michael Asimow and Paul Bergman

 Started: 8/5/2021

Finished: 8/13/2021

Year: 2021

Pages: 421

Genre: Movies

Grade: B

Reason for reading: review for Reader Views

Type: Trade Paperback

Blurb (from Amazon): "Real trials and courtroom movies are made for each other. Lawyers are storytellers, courtrooms are theaters, and the trial process provides drama, surprise, suspense or comedy.

This book will serve as a video guide to help you identify the courtroom movies you'd like to see. It ranks each of the films on a one- to four- gavel system, with four gavels for the classics. And it answers the questions you'll be asking as you see the films. Where does truth end and trickery begin? Can lawyers really pull rabbits out of hats with unexpected courtroom stunts? Did the trial process reveal the truth-or conceal it? How well do reel trials reflect real events?

These are just some of the topics you'll encounter as the authors analyze over 200 courtroom movies, including such classics as To Kill a MockingbirdMy Cousin Vinny12 Angry Men, and The Trial of the Chicago 7. An index at the back of the book lists all of the films reviewed in the book.

The book celebrates the courtroom genre that has intrigued viewers around the world. The authors will entertain and educate you on a fascinating journey through nine decades of reel law, lawyers and justice."

Opinion: An enjoyable collection of courtroom movies-drama and comedies-reviewed by lawyers so they can add their insight and explain what really happens. A more complete review will be on Reader Views in the near future.

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