Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Murder of a Sleeping Beauty by Denise Swanson

 Started: 5/28/21

Finished: 6/1/21

Year: 2002

Pages: 263

Genre: Mystery

Grade: B

Reason for reading: continuing with the series, grabbed off TBR pile

Blurb (from back cover): "Sleeping Beauty is dead. Star of the school play, cheerleader, and beauty pageant queen, Lorelei Ingels was the most popular girl in school. But today, no one envies her. While the principal and the police are busy with the politics of this high-profile case, Skye Denison counsels kids and combs for clues...ever more convinced that high school is a truly dangerous place. Finagling her way around crazy school administrators, stupid rules, pushy parents, and teens whose slang needs decoding takes all of Skye's formidable ingenuity. And even ever-optimistic Skye knows that, in this case, finding the killer won't end this tale happily ever after...."

Opinion: Another fun mystery in this series. So glad that I was never involved in beauty pageants or trying to be the most popular kid in high school. High school was hard enough without that added pressure. The mystery isn't what it seemed to be. 

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