Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hearts of the Missing by Carol Potenza

Started: 3/22/20
Finished: 3/28/20
Year: 2018
Pages: 291
Genre: Mystery
Grade: B
Reason for reading: giveaway win
Blurb (from book jacket): "When a young woman linked to a list of missing Fire-Sky tribal members commits suicide, Pueblo police sergeant Nicky Matthews is assigned to the case. Soon, Nicky uncovers a threat that strikes at the very heart of what it means to be a Fire-Sky Native: victims chosen and murdered because of their genetic makeup.
"But these deaths are not just about a life taken. In a vengeful twist, the killer ensures the spirits of those targeted will wander forever, lost to their family, their People, and their ancestors. When those closest to Nicky are put in jeopardy, she must be willing to sacrifice everything-her career, her life, even her soul-to save the people she is sworn to protect."
Opinion: I haven't read a lot of books where Native Americans are the main characters (not sure why, just haven't). Add on the possibility of a serial killer and this is a decent debut mystery novel. This novel won the Tony Hillerman Prize and I can see why.

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