Saturday, January 18, 2020

Layover by David Bell

Started: 7/26/19
Finished: 1/14/20
Year: 2019
Pages: 399
Genre: Mystery
Grade: C
Reason for reading: giveaway book
Blurb (from back cover): "Joshua Fields takes the same flights every week for work, his life a series of departures and arrivals, hotels and airports. During yet another layover, he meets Morgan, a beautiful stranger with whom he feels an immediate connection. When it's time for their respective flights, Morgan kisses Joshua passionately, lamenting that they'll never see each other again.
"As soon as Morgan disappears in the crowd, Joshua is shocked to see her face on a nearby TV. The reason: Morgan is a missing person.
"What follows is a whirlwind, fast-paced journey filled with lies, deceit, and secrets as Joshua tries to discover why Morgan has vanished from her own life. Every time he thinks one mystery is solved, another rears its head-and his worst enemy might be his assumptions about those around him."
Opinion: This plot went to far out there and wasn't enjoyable. Sure....people in airports wonder about what others are doing, where they're going, etc but for it to go this far....ugh

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