Friday, September 13, 2019

The Disappearance by Bentley Little

Started: 6/6/19
Finished: 9/12/19
Year: 2010
Pages: 391
Genre: Thriller
Grade: B
Reason for reading: book
Blurb (from back cover): "The festival was intended as a getaway from UCLA for Gary, his girlfriend, Joan, and their friends. But soon after they arrive, Joan vanishes. Calls to her parents' home yield only dead air. Her school records are gone. And there's no evidence that Joan, or even her roommate, ever existed. Most disturbing of all is what they do find.
"Among Joan's belongings is a prayer written on a small school. It's a safeguard-and a warning-from something called the Outsiders. For Gary and his friends, it's the only blue. Now, if they want to find out exactly what happened to Joan, they must follow it.
"But they may not like where it leads..."
Opinion: I haven't read a Little book in a few years and I have always enjoyed them...this one being no different. The suspense is well developed. The ending is kharmatic. It isn't the best Little book but still well worth the read.

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