Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Cornelius Sky by Timothy Brandoff

Started: 7/6/19
Finished: 8/12/19
Year: 2019
Pages: 214
Genre: Literature
Grade: C
Reason for reading: review for Librarything.com
Blurb (from back cover): "Cornelius Sky is a doorman in a posh Fifth Avenue apartment building that houses New York City's elite, including a former First Lady whose husband was assassinated while in office. It is 1974 and New York City is heading toward a financial crisis. At work, Connie prides himself on his ability to buff a marble floor better than anyone, a talent that so far has kept him from being fired for his drinking. He pushes the boundaries of his duties, partying and playing boards games with the former First lady's lonely thirteen-year-old son in the service stairwell-the only place where the boy is not spied upon mercilessly by the tabloid press and his Secret Service detail.
Connie believes he is the only nine who can offer true solace and companionship to this fatherless boy, but his constant neglect of his own sons and their mother reaches a boiling point. His wife changes the locks on his down door, and he finds himself wandering the mean streets of the city in his uniform, where unlikely angels offer him a path towards redemption."
Opinion: An average read about a drunk who suffers in all aspects of his life.

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