Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Shame Factor by Stephan B. Poulter, PhD

Started: 3/14/19
Finished: 4/17/19
Year: 2019
Pages: 357
Genre: Psychology/Self-help
Grade: B
Reason for reading: review for
Blurb (from back cover): "Emotional paralysis, a distorted view of self, a feeling of being a fraud, lack of trust in others, fear of criticism resulting in underdeveloped talents, and a chronic sense of being worthless, invisible, or disposable-these are typical symptoms of shame.
"In this book, psychologist Stephan B. Poulter delves into this 'primary emotional wound.' Distinguishing it from commonplace guilt over a particular moral failing, he describes this toxic emotion as a pervasive but largely unrecognized 'emotional cancer,' with the power of undermining many aspects of life.
"Dr. Poulter guides the reader through exercises that teach one to expose this 'big secret' and to recognize the triggers in daily life that arouse fears and other negative emotions. Beyond these first steps, he shows how we can continue to the healing process of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, empathy, and a new sense of inner well-being."
Opinion: An interesting take on a possible, underlying root to depression, anxiety and other emotional issues. Lots of examples and steps to look at how shame might have affected one's life. Review will be on in the near future.

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