Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Started: 8/18/08
Finished: 8/26/08
Year: originally published 1851. This edition 1963
Pages: 285
Genre: Classic
Grade: B-
Reason for reading:, one of 1001 books you should read before you die
Blurb (from back cover): "Among the Puritan ancestors of the sensitve and guilt-persecuted Hawthorne was a judge-John Hawthorne-who participated in the infamous witchcraft trials of Salem. This John Hawthorne was probably the original of the cruel Colonel Pyncheon, builder of the House of the Seven Gables, upon whose head old Matthew Maule, about to be hanged, uttered the curse that was to haunt the old house and its inhabitants for generations.
"The climax of this powerful and darkly tragic novel comes when Judge Pyncheon, wealthy and hypocritical cousin of Miss Hepzibah Pyncheon and her brother Clifford, attempts to have Clifford declared insane. In a conclusion of great depth-and containing some of Hawthorne's best writing-the judge's hand is stayed by death and his wealth reverts to his intended victims. When the Pyncheons' country cousin Phoebe marries the lodger Holgrave-old Maule's descendant-the ancient curse is broken and peace descends on the House of the Seven Gables."
Opinion: Hawthorne certainly has his own writing style-10 pages on one's death? It was an enjoyable classic but one that I don't think that I needed to read.

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