Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Vampire of New York by Lee Hunt

Started: 2/5/08
Finished: 3/2/08
Year: 2008
Pages: 359
Genre: Horror/Vampires
Grade: C
Reason for reading: grabbed it off the TBR shelf
Blurb (from back cover): "1863: During a shipwreck in the frigid waters off the coast of North America, one man dies-and a demon is rechristened. Enoch Bale, once known as Count Draculiya, reaches America's shores. On the eve of the New York Draft Riots, Echo Van Helsing comes to the city to avenge the mysterious murder of her father by a hideous creature out of ancient myth. Instead she is met by conspiracy, unholy terror, and a terrible truth.
"The Present: Archaeologist Carrie Norton makes a startling find in a historic Manhattan site: the mummified corpse of a Civil War-era homicide victim. Cold-case detective Max Slattery sees something more: gruesome, uncanny parallels to a recent series of brutal slayings. Their investigation is about to take them places neither expected, because while the man responsible may be long dead, he is not long gone..."
Opinion: This wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Of course, my lack of reading time plays a factor also.

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