Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Throw Darts at a Cheesecake by Denise Dietz

Started: 9/20/07
Finished: 9/24/07
Year: 1999
Pages: 251
Genre: Mystery
Grade: B-
Reason for reading: grabbed it off the TBR shelf
Blurb (from back cover): "At the weekly meeting of Weight Winners, losing is everything. Group leader Ellie Bernstein herself has shed fifty-five pounds of 'weight pollution,' along with a cheating husband and an unfulfilling life. Now the thin woman within is free and fabulous. Until she discovers losing weight is not only murder, it's downright lethal.
"One by one, their group's Big Losers are being systematically murdered. Is some jealous member of the Friday meeting a secret killer? Could this be a closet psycho's demented weight-loss technique-eliminate the competition? Motive aside, Ellie's got to watch her back as well as her calories before she finds herself on the most permanent diet of all...death."
Opinion: I wanted this to be a better book. There were too many suspects. Too much emphasis on weight loss (which makes sense since the author is a Weight Watchers participant). There were unrealistic relationships between Ellie and another main character. It did have its laughs and that's basically what saved it.

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