Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Desperate Measures by David Morrell

Started: 5/25/07
Finished: 5/30/07
Year: 1994
Pages: 503
Genre: Suspense/Mystery
Grade: B-
Reason for reading: grabbed it off the TBR shelf
Blurb (from back cover): "The suicide of Matt Pittman, fallen star journalist, is abruptly interrupted by a phone call and unexpected assignment: write an obituary of a man who is not yet dead. Suddenly, clinging desperately to a life he'd so recently been eager to discard, Matt will be thrust into the heart of a conspiracy whose global influence remains terrifyingly unsurpassed. And he will find himself both a suspect for murder by the police and a target for murder by invisible killers determined to destroy him-and anyone he comes close to-before he finds out why."
Opinion: A lot of twists and turns...too many in my opinion. But still a fun read.

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