Friday, January 26, 2007

Unprintable by Julie Kaewert

Started: 1/23/07
Finished: 1/26/07
Year: 1998
Pages: 381
Genre: Mystery
Grade: C
Reason for reading: grabbed it off the TBR pile
Blurb (from back cover): "It is possibly the most repugnant piece of fiction in all of England. So why is Plumtree Press, one of the country's most respectable publishing houses, about to add the hotly controversial new novel to its list? Publisher Alex Plumtree isn't talking. So hardly anyone knows he has taken on the project as a favor to the Prime Minister. Forget the bad press and hateful reviews, Alex swiftly finds himself on the wrong side of a lawsuit, bugged, betrayed, roughed up, and implicated in murder. Suddenly Alex doesn't know who to trust. Suddenly Alex doesn't know who to trust. For someone is clearly determined to stop the presses at any cost. The only think Alex does know for certain is that going to press with this book may cost him more than just his may cost him his life."
Opinion: Not as good as other Julie Kaewert's books. I had read one and loved it and was looking forward to this one but I found my mind constantly shifting to other things while reading this.

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