Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

Began: not sure when but about a week ago
Finished 1/31/06
Reason for reading: Just joined a face to face book group and this was the choice. Probably wouldn't have read it otherwise.
Grade: B+
Blurb: James enters a rehab center and it's about his recovery.
Opinion: Despite all the drama regarding if this book was real or not, I enjoyed it. I liked the different writing technique that Mr. Frey used throughout the book. It did contain some graphic details which I thought added to the overall enjoyment of the book. I might or might not read another one of his books. As for getting into the hype about Oprah and that nonsense, I'm not for it. So Oprah got duped. She still was able to present a fairly good novel to the world that probably wouldn't have been noticed otherwise. And now that he is getting more media attention due to his mistake, he'll still be going to the bank with now a bigger paycheck.

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