Started: 4/11/06
Finished: 4/12/06
Pages: 147
Year: 2003/translated 2005
Genre: fiction
Grade: C
Reason for reading: to review for My Shelf
Blurb (from book jacket): "In a small town in occupied France, a teacher of German is recruited by the Gestapo to translate sensitive documents. Every week, waiting for the net assignment, the teacher must sit for hours outside the commandant's office as prisoners are led past. Some are strangers; others are friends and neighbors known for a lifetime. It is ofter difficult to avoid eye contact, to keep from reacting, as men and women are taken to detention cells and then to the covered trucks that wait outside.
"One day, a strikingly handsome Jewish soldier is among the prisoners, and a spark is ignited. In an unprecedented act of boldness, the teacher saves the doomed man from the Gestapo and hides him in a secret room in the cellar. Here begins an extraordiary and shattering affair in which two bodies and two antagonistic languages, Yiddish and German, are magnetically attracted."
Opinion: Because of the translation, I feel that something is missing. Not sure what but it jumps around. For a more complete review check mine out on My Shelf next month.
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